Filmgear 6K Par
Filmgear 6,000 Watt HMI Par lighting fixture
K5600 Joker 200
K5600 Joker 200 Par HMI lighting fixture with chimera soft box.
K5600 Joker 400 – 200 Kit
K5600 Joker Kit with 200 and 400 watt fixtures, ballasts and chimeras.
K5600 Joker 400
K5600 Joker 400 Par HMI lighting fixture with chimera soft box.
K5600 Joker 800
K5600 Joker 800 watt HMI Lighting Kit with Chimera.
Cineo HS-2
Cineo Lighting continues to pioneer Remote Phosphor (RP) technology for image capture with HS2, the second generation of the revolutionary HS fixture currently in use on motion picture sets and in broadcast studios worldwide. All HS2 components are 100% cross-compatible with all legacy HS and LS fixtures, accessories, phosphor panels, and cabling.
Cineo Maverick RP
Cineo Maverick delivers a volume of light equal to a traditional 1K soft source, optimized for image capture as well as other applications that demand accurate color rendering. Complete kit includes barn doors, gel frame, battery plate and both daylight and tungsten panels.
Dedolight 3-Light Kit
The 3-head dedolight kit with dimmable ballests and 3 projection attatchments. Stands and scrims and multiple light modifying tools are included.
Dedolight LED 3-Light Master Kit
The Dedolight DLED4-BI Bi-Color LED 3-Light Master Kit offers a complete mains and battery-powered 3 LED light head setup with two Dedoflex mini softboxes, a DP1.1 imager, three mains power supplies, three battery power supplies, three 95Wh Li-ion battery packs with V-lock mount and intergrated chargers, and three DST stands.
ETC Source Four 750w
There’s only one Source Four – the ellipsoidal fixture that changed the lighting industry. The ETC Source Four ellipsoidal fixture. Multiple degree lenses available: 19, 26, 36 & 50
ETC Source Four 10 Degree
The ETC Source Four 10 degree lens tube for the Source Four ellipsoidal lighting fixture. This is not a complete fixture.
ETC Source Four 19 Degree
The ETC Source Four 19 degree lens tube for the Source Four ellipsoidal lighting fixture. This is not a complete fixture.
ETC Source Four 26 Degree
The ETC Source Four 26 degree lens tube for the Source Four ellipsoidal lighting fixture. This is not a complete fixture.
ETC Source Four 36 Degree
The ETC Source Four 36 degree lens tube for the Source Four ellipsoidal lighting fixture. This is not a complete fixture.
ETC Source Four 50 Degree
The ETC Source Four 50 degree lens tube for the Source Four ellipsoidal lighting fixture. This is not a complete fixture.
Mach Tech 12 Mini Dino – TX Only
The Mac Tech 12 Mini Dino has been upgraded, to use the SPH Series bulbs. They outperform existing par lights by using 575 watt or 750 watt bulbs along with our high output parabolic reflector and 8″ interchangeable lenses. This means quality and flexible lighting, reduced power and heat, and no more boxes of old expensive style par 64 bulbs. The parabolic reflector creates a much smoother field of light with any of our six lenses.
Barger Six Light Bag Light
Lightweight and rugged, the 6 light Barger bag light evenly fills the front of a chimera and can run on (3) 15amp household circuits.
Mole 200w Midget
Mole Richardson Midget Type 2351 200 watt fresnel fixture.
Mole 200w InBetweenie
Mole-Richardson Betweenie Type 3131 300 watt fresnel lighting fixture.
Hood Mount
Hood Mount is configurable over the hood, top of car, or trunk area. Includes all mounting hardware. Ball Mount not included.
Hostess Tray
Hostess Tray can be configured high or low. Includes all mounting hardware. Does not include camera Ball Mount.
Mole 300w Betweenie
Mole-Richardson Betweenie Type 3131 300 watt fresnel lighting fixture.
Mole 650w Tweenie
Mole-Richardson Tweenie Type 4821 650 watt fresnel lighting fixture.
Mole 750w Zip Light
Mole Richarson 750w Type 2581 Baby Softlite.
Mole 1kw Mickey
Mole Richardson Type 4081 Mickey Mole 1000w open faced fixture.