Ready Rig

Are you Ready? 1…2…3…  GO!

Feel the difference with the Ready Rig complete Camera Stabilization Kit

Ready Rig:

Are you Ready to stop feeling shoulder and back fatigue from hoisting your camera rig around on set all day? Are you Ready for additional camera control? We’ll then it’s time to take the Ready Rig out for a spin. This powerful tool can be the extra set of hands you have been looking for on set. It helps by offsetting the weight of the camera assembly to a more manageable position on the body. This frees you up to grab handheld stabilized footage like never before. Capable of carrying payloads of up to 30 lbs., this vest can provide the type of relief that will make your neck and shoulder muscles jump with joy. Fully adjustable straps ensure that the vest can accommodate camera operators of all sizes. The ease of use, and fantastic stabilization results make this an ideal piece of equipment on a wide variety of shoots. Whether you’re filming out in the field, or spending the day in a studio this is certainly a compelling option. If you’re Ready to feel the difference, you’ll absolutely want this on your next shoot.

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